Kalypso Nicolaidis is Chair in Global Affairs at the School of Transnational Governance (EUI), where inter alia she convenes the EUI Democracy Forum. She is currently on leave from the University of Oxford and was professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and at Ecole Nationale d’Admistration, Paris. She has worked with numerous EU institutions, including as a member of the European Council’s reflection group on the future of Europe chaired by Felipe González (2008-10), and is a Council member of ECFR. She also served as advisor on European affairs to George Papandreou in the 90s and early 2000s, the Dutch and UK governments, the European Parliament, the European Commission, OECD and UNCTAD.
At the EUI, Professor Nicolaidis teaches courses on ‘Transnational Politics and Institutions’, ‘Responsible Negotiation’, ‘Transnational Democracy in the XXI Century’ and EU-Africa relations as part of STG’s master’s, executive education and Young African Leaders programmes.
She is co-convener or chair of a number of initiatives at STG and EUI including: the EUI-wide cluster on Democracy in the XXIst century, the EUI Democracy Forum, the STG Transnational Democracy Initiative at STG, and the Global Peace Tech Hub.
She is also engaged in collaborative projects with the Robert Schuman Center, including on ‘Democracy in Flux,’ ‘Europe in the World’, the ‘Oxford-based Dahrendorf programme’, EU external trade and regulatory relations, and the European Governance and Politics Programme. And she participates in the EUI cluster on Eurocentricism and the Decolonizing initiative.
Her research revolves around internal and external aspects of European integration as well as global affairs, theaters of recognition, democratic theory, transnational legal empathy and social solidarity, global governance and international trade, sustainable integration, post-colonialism, myth and politics and the import of new technologies on international relations.
Her last books are: A Citizen’s Guide to the Rule of Law – Why We Need to Fight for the Most Precious Human Inventions of All Time (with Adis Merdzanovic, 2021); Exodus, Reckoning, Sacrifice: Three Meanings of Brexit (2019). ‘The Greco-German Affair in the Euro Crisis: Mutual Recognition Lost?’, ( with Sternberg and Gartzou-Katsouyanni, Palgrave, 2018) and ‘Echoes of Empire: Memory, Identity and Colonial Legacies’ (edited with Sebe, I.B. Taurus, 2015).
Kalypso Nicolaidis will participate in Official Welcoming Of The Democratic Odyssey Boat that will take place at CREA Cantieri del Contemporaneo on Sunday November 10 (10h30 – 11h).