The Way Forward: How cities create new forms of solidarity and peace at times of migrations

Panel discussion
Saturday, November 9

18h – 20h
Casa dei Tre Oci

We are living in a time of monumental transformations, which are leading to a revolution of our world and a reshaping of global power dynamics. There are three planetary emergencies that are increasingly connected: wars, climate change, and inequalities. These three crises are both the product of, and contributors to, a situation of traumatic political and cultural climate change. They are also the primary drivers of a growing movement of people across much of the planet. Cities will play a crucial and decisive role, as municipalities will have great responsibility in communicating information, promoting social, political, and cultural exchanges, and fostering cultural diversity as an asset for our communities. What tools do they have at their disposal? What can Europe do to support this work and facilitate a shared approach to reception and inclusion?
We like to imagine these cities as democratic spaces where people of different origins can live together and create new forms of solidarity and connections.
With an interdisciplinary approach, this panel, curated by Fondazione Studio Rizoma, aims to offer a virtual compass and new lenses through which to navigate today’s debates, to interpret the present, and to imagine the future, going beyond mainstream perspectives and providing alternative ideas and points of reflection.

On this occasion, activists from Natura Comune will present the popular initiative bill ‘Xenia’ on the reception of migrants.

with Erion Veliaj (Mayor of Tirana), Clare Hart (Vice President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole), Mimmo Lucano (Mayor of Riace and Member of the European Parliament), David Yambio (Pact for Equality Advocate and human rights defensor), Leoluca Orlando (Member of the European Parliament)

Moderator: Letizia Tortello (Journalist at La Stampa)