Embodying maps for liberating the body-territory

Workshop led by Alessandra Chiricosta
Saturday, November 9

11h30 – 14h30
Zenobia (sports room)

The notion of “body-territory” has emerged in recent years as a key concept in the feminist discourse. Women’s Indigenous movements against extractive projects in Latin America have shaped a new political imaginary and struggle in which the exploitation of so-called “natural resources” is inherently connected with the oppression of women’s lives and with the creation of gender-based hierarchies, where dynamics of inferiorization are interiorized. These forms of violence are both driven by patriarchal, capitalistic, and colonialist logic and sustained by the rationality and practices of militarism. From these premises, what does it mean to “defend” oppressed bodies and territories? The “body-territory” breaks with the dualisms that sustain the metaphysics of domination in a constant dehumanizing exercise in the anthropo-/androcentric project. It opens the space for thinking and practicing another kind of strength that can be effective against patriarchal violence without reproducing logic and strategies of anthropo/androcentric militarism.

The modern political passion par excellence, i.e. fear, can no longer sustain theories and practices of self-defense: on the contrary, the audacity of knowing and loving one’s body-territory, and the certainty of being a constellation, are among the “positive passions” that a new understanding of self-defense should be based on.
In this workshop, we will draw with our bodies new maps for liberation, considering ourselves as colonized territories capable of originating de-colonial processes.

Open to all levels of practice and all genres.
Registration only.

(to pay for) REGISTER HERE