The experience of the European elections has shown us once again that local, national and even international media have lost the opportunity to truly speak about transnational matters in a transnational way. Often times, the news revolves around the national perspective and avoided giving the bigger picture of the most important phenomena and trends in today’s politics. Few weeks ahead of the elections, a group of young activists traveled throughout fifteen European countries on board of five caravans reaching out to places of struggle and resistance, in defense of fundamental rights. They traveled to meet directly active European citizens, connect their struggles and propose grassroots alternatives.
In the context of Transeuropa Festival, European Alternatives joins forces with Cafébabel, media partner of Transeuropa Caravans and one of the first multilingual participatory magazines made by and for young people across Europe, with the common objective of connecting the already existing nation-based audiences towards a shared European narrative, knowledge and imagination. Three activists that traveled on board of the caravans will join a discussion to share their experience narrating the stories of local alternative voices that fight on common struggles across Europe. With the knowledge gained through the experience of Transeuropa Caravans, we want to spark the reflection on which spaces to build to allow a more connected and mobile generation of active citizens to stay engaged with current events and social issues, outside of the echo-chamber of their national media outlets.
This event is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The content of this event represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.