Lorenzo Marsili is an activist philosopher and writer. The cofounder of transnational political NGO European Alternatives and the cultural institution Fondazione Rizoma, he currently works as director of the berggruen institute Europe. his research and political work focus on defining and promoting futures beyond the nation-state. A regular public speaker and international media commentator, he was the founding editor of the independent journal Naked Punch Review in London and Beijing. He has degrees in philosophy and sinology from the University of London, and his books include Il Terzo Spazio (Laterza, 2017), Citizens of Nowhere (Zed Books, 2018), La tua patria è il mondo intero (Laterza, 2019), and Planetary Politics (Polity Press, 2020).
Lorenzo Marsili will be a speaker at the panel Extreme Elections? Mapping the Geopolitical and Domestic Impacts of the US Elections that will take place at Ca’Foscari on Thursday 7th November at 18:30-20:30